You have so many interesting stories to share with the world — but sometimes it’s hard to find them. This is especially so when you feel pressured to impress the reader in only a few hundred words. But don’t fret! I’ve put together a list of 15 prompts to help find a compelling personal statement topic.
Personal Statement Prompts
What is your superpower?
What is the best, worst, or weirdest thing that happened to you on a trip?
When have you experienced personal failure? And what did you learn from it?
What makes you happy?
What is your most precious possession?
What has been your toughest decision?
What is your personal credo?
What do you bring to a relationship?
What right of passage(s) have you been through?
What are you terrible at but love to do anyway?
What is an experience that is unresolved?
What are you learning right now?
What is your favorite book, movie, or song? Why?
What keeps you up at night?
What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?
Spend 15 minutes per day answering one of these prompts. Add setting, sensory details, feelings, and dialogue so that the reader can see, feel, and understand your story as though they are experiencing it themselves. Not only will doing so help you find a topic, but getting in the habit of writing — especially about yourself — will help you when you write your college application personal statement.
More Resources
The 5 Most Common Personal Statement Mistakes
How to Answer the Common Application Prompts So You Stand Out
Personal Statement Writing Secrets: 8 Ways to Hook the Reader
Do you want one-on-one help with your personal statement? Contact World Awaits, and together we will shape a memorable, compelling essay to impress any college admissions officer.